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March 2022

Writer's picture: Chris BrightChris Bright

At YAIPak Outreach everything starts with the extravagant love of Christ. God pursues each one of us to redefine our identity, restore our dignity, and remind us how deeply we are loved. With a focus on women, children and veterans, we are witnessing that power of extravagant love each day.

Our warehouse is located at 211 S. 2nd Street. We are open for donations and volunteers on Mondays from 9am to 12pm, Wednesdays from 12 to 2pm, and Thursdays from 5 to 8pm.


YAIPak Outreach in the Community

OPERATION HONOR // What a GREAT success this event was.

Because of you and your generosity over 800 military families were provided with essential needs.

Food & hygiene boxes provided by Feed the Children, along with brand new toys and books provided by other local organizations.

The YAIPak Outreach "Baby Trailer" really started at the onset of the pandemic helping hundreds of families with diapers, wipes, formula and other baby essentials. Because this great system was already in place we were able to prepare and efficiently supply each military family in need with whatever size diapers/pull-ups they requested along with wipes!!

This event was presented by The Maynard Family, LifePoint Church, F&M Bank, ECHO Power Engineering, Feed the Children, and Tyson. We are so grateful to be a supporting part of events like this and provide life essentials for those who LOVE & SERVE our great nation.


How You Can Help

What a start to the year this has been! We have experienced everything from tornadoes to snow storms.

During the snow storm our team headed out to ensure that our friends in the encampments had all they needed to survive the brutally cold elements. At this time we are accepting NEW COLD WEATHER gear to be able to bring to our friends to make the temps a little more bearable...

  • Hand warmers

  • Thermal underwear/long johns

  • Cold weather sleeping bags (30º)

  • 1lb green propane tanks

  • Portable single eyed burner

  • 3 to 4 man tents

  • Heavy blankets

  • Ensure or equivalent protein drinks

  • Beef Jerky

  • 1 Gallon Ziploc bags

For convenient shopping, find our Amazon Smile list here. Thank you so much for your generosity.


Volunteer Spotlight

Stacye Downing


"I have been volunteering with YAIPak Outreach for 9 months."


"Our pastor, Pastor Mike Burnette, at LifePoint Church brought up their annual drive our church supported when we came to Clarksville in 2018. I started following YAIPak Outreach on social media and then, the final nudge, was the founder coming to talk to our church small group and sharing her heart."


"Every day on my way to and from work I would see a sweet lady who I later learned was Patricia. I knew that she was being cared for by the amazing ministry of YAIPak Outreach, but I felt God was telling me it's time to do more. I was supporting them through our church in different ways, but somehow I felt a stronger calling to support this ministry."


"YAIPak Outreach loves like Jesus so I know that every single thing that is accomplished there supports a trued need for someone, somewhere."


"COME ON! If you want fellowship, we got it. Every person has a heart for serving and I promise you will feel the love and unity that is there. If you want to give back to your community, we can help you because every thing you do matters at YAIPak Outreach."


Your Generosity at Work

Your giving has made a huge difference!!! It gave us an incredible month serving others HOPE...

One way was supporting our friend, Mountain Mike, whose home and encampment was bulldozed on top of being in wrong place at wrong time. Ever try to help a friend and it didn’t work out for you? That was Mike's situation.

He came to us for help to replace all the supplies he lost. He cried three times and hugs came as the tears started to fall. Not only has Mike lost everything, but he struggles with cancer. His body hurts, but he never gives up. He NEVER ASKS for much. But kindness certainly brought a rugged and tough man to tears.

The power of human touch is truly powerful and often under valued. Just knowing someone cared enough to give him a few basic things like food, a blanket, a tent, a backpack, a coverall and propane (which is priced higher than gold to our homeless friends). He shared that he received everything that was taken from YAIPak Outreach years ago.

He’s been on the street since 2010 struggling . Sadly we are watching him lose weight, hair and strength due to the cancer. But what he hasn’t lost is his kind heart. That alone is a miracle in itself. Reminds us that we always have a choice in how we treat each others. He is always kind to others on the street helping them find their way to better living. Please pray for him.

Your prayers matter.

Your giving matters.

They shine a light of hope on lives who search for it desperately.

Your giving is making a difference.

We are so very grateful for you!

And we are grateful for Mountain Mike, a man who won’t allow his circumstances to change his heart.

If you'd like to be a part of impacting lives, please go to

Also, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

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